Awards, grants, and funding

Information on all awards, research grants and funding I’ve received.


  • IJMR Collaborative Research award (2016): awarded for best article published as a collaboration between academic researchers and agency practitioners in the International Journal of Marketing Research.

  • Tom Rozwadowski Medal (2012, 2018, 2020): awarded for best peer-reviewed article published by a member of the Operations Research Society of South Africa.

Grants and funding

  • Modelling marine mammal movement and calling behaviour. National Marine Mammal Foundation. 2022-2023, $15K.
  • Design and analysis of snow leopard surveys. Snow Leopard Trust. 2021-2022, £25K.
  • Automated classification of ecological images, audio, and video. 2021, 2022: Microsoft AI for Earth computing grant, each $10K.
  • Spatial Capture-Recapture with Memory. EPSRC Small grant, 2021-2022, £64K (named PDRA).
  • Spatial Capture-Recapture Training Material. EPSRC IAA grant, 2021-2022, £22K (named PDRA).
  • Acoustic ecology in Africa conference hosting grant. Term: 2018. Amount: R20 000. Funding body: UCT Research Office.
  • Animal density estimation using acoustic data. Term: 2017-2019. Amount: R235 000. Funding body: NRF (Rated Researchers Incentive Funding).
  • Animal density estimation using acoustic data. Term: 2016-2017. Amount: R30 000. Funding body: NRF (UK-South Africa Researcher Links Mobility Grant).
  • Statistics and Data Sciences in Industry Workshop (InSciDa). Term: 2016. Amount: R37 500. Funding body: DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (CoE-MASS).
  • Statistics and Data Sciences in Industry Workshop (InSciDa). Term: 2016. Amount: R60 000. Funding body: Absa, Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy (IDIA), Eighty20 (local sponsors).
  • Statistics and Data Sciences in Industry Workshop (InSciDa). Term: 2016. Amount: R178 600. Funding body: NRF/Newton Fund Researcher Links Grant.
  • NRF Y2 rating. Term: 2014-2019. Amount: R240 000. Funding body: NRF
  • Uncertainty in decision making. Term: 2012. Amount: R68 000. Funding body: NRF Thuthuka grant (post-PhD track). Funding terminated due to moving to adjunct (non-permanent position) in 2013.
  • Adaptive multiattribute risky decision making. Amount: R120 000. Term: 2008-2011 NRF Thuthuka grant (pre-PhD track).